Many recipes have crossed my path that call for roasted nuts. The Smokey Cheese Ball is covered in roasted nuts and Nut Bread is a nutty must have! Roasting them strengthens the flavor by giving it a boost. We buy various nuts from the bulk bins at our local grocery store and it’s handy knowing how to roast them if I need to.
I’m so excited to share my news with you. In addition to learning how to make roasted nuts, I started two art classes in our community. It’s so much fun teaching the kids about the elements of art. I’m really surprised how quickly they are learning vocabulary words and their meanings like contour, perspective, and implied line. I’m working in small group with the kids so I’m able to get one on one time with them. So far we have covered quite a bit.
Our emotion line drawings were a success. We discussed how we can use lines to convey certain emotions like anger, happiness, and excitement. We also discussed line characteristics like thin, thick, curvy, dotted, and dashed. After the lesson was over, I gave them all a sheet of paper. I masked off the shape of their hand on the paper and let them draw various lines on the inside. Once we pulled the mask off they ooo’ed and ahhh’ed. It was pretty exciting. My only regret is not taking pictures!
I look forward to this time every week where I teach art to the kids. I knew when I decided to homeschool that I would be putting my art studies aside to focus on my kids. I’m okay with that because first and foremost my kids are my number one. The curriculum we are using is outstanding, top-notch. So far this year they have learned more than they normally would in an entire year in public school. It’s outstanding. We all love it, and I know it will give them so many opportunities in the future. Point being… even though I’m not pursuing my dreams of working as a graphic designer or professional photographer, I get my moments to play art teacher with my amazing students. I’ll take it!
It’s my weekly art fix!

- Desired Nuts
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spread nuts in a single layer on a cookie sheet.
- Bake for 5-10 minutes or until the pieces are golden brown; stirring once or twice. Check frequently to make sure they do not burn.