What is Chiari Malformation?
My good friend, Myriah, was diagnosed with a Chiari Malformation in 2009. She is a devoted wife and mother to 4 amazing children. Watching her go through the trials of living with Chiari pulled on my heart-strings, and motivated me to do something (read Myriah’s Story).
In honor of Myriah, Bread & With It features children who have just undergone decompression surgery due to a Chiari Malformation diagnosis.
Bread & With It donates a unique “Chiari Doll”, specially made by a crochet artist, to each of these featured Little Warriors. A profile of each of these children is available above with information about how to donate to them, or their family if your heart feels called to help!
~ Laurel Blow
More information about Chiari Malformation:
Conquer Chiari is a great education, research, donation, and awareness resource. Get involved!