It completely blew me away when I learned that you can make your own colored sugar sprinkles for decorating treats. The more I inquire about doing things myself, the more amazed I am.
My amazement must be a generational thing. I was born in the early 80’s and like everyone else I have been raised with huge corporate food chains and super centers. Advertisements tell us that we NEED their products because… well we can’t have it unless we buy it from them. So here I am today… like a brand new kitten blinking my eyes in amazement that I can MAKE MY OWN COLORED SUGAR?!?!
I am excited to share with you how completely EASY and so incredibly cheap it is to make your own colored sugar! More than likely you wont even have to take a tip to the store, because most people have the ingredients on hand! If you want to go even further with the DIY process; make your own food coloring dye too.
Colored Sugar Sprinkles
1/4 cup Sugar
2 drops of Food Coloring
Directions: Place your sugar in your preferred storage container with a lid (I use small mason jars for this because I like to keep them on display and I think mason jars look nice). Add the 2 drops of food coloring to your sugar securely place your lid and shake vigorously until the color has spread through all the sugar. If you want the color to be more vibrant, add more food coloring.
It’s that easy. I recommend using organic raw cane sugar, because the grains are larger. I personally think larger grain makes the colored sugar look more like glitter but if you like super fine sugar it works that way too.
Start making cakes and decorating sugar cookies with your own colored sugar you made for pennies!