After a beautiful and productive summer, I join you once again for a food-a-licious blog post. This summer we traveled, family visited, we swam, biked, ran, played, laughed, cried and bonded to our heart’s content. With all these beautiful memories we made, the one thing that I know, for sure, helped me survive the rushed mornings and made breakfast more grab-and-go capable, was a simple make-ahead baked eggs on spinach. It displays beautifully at the table, but also works wonderfully in the center of an English muffin for easy transport!
Now, I know summer isn’t over, but it’s beginning to wind down for us. We are purchasing books for the next school year and prepping the house, mind and spirit for the change in season. My art classes are preparing for a relaxed month next month while we enjoy our opening parties and show off our art at a local gallery and local businesses. My favorite part of working hard on any project, is when we can sit back and admire the fruit of our labor. This will be August for us!
Baked eggs on spinach was great for us during the summer days, and I’m excited to see this new recipe comes to our aid during the new school year. This recipe is easy to make ahead and store in the refrigerator. Michael loves to pull one of these out in the morning and pop it in the microwave before work. It prevents him from opting for an unhealthy alternative or just skipping breakfast all together. This keeps him on-track for a healthy, productive and energized day!
As I reflect back to this summer, we’ve enjoyed some truly delicious food. One of my top summer delights (besides baked eggs on spinach of course) was blueberry picking at a local farm. Our freezer is stocked and ready for the blueberry apocalypse… when they start GMO-ing our blueberries, don’t worry. I’m prepared. We have more blueberries than we know what to do with, and I believe that is a good problem to have. Enjoy your baked eggs on spinach, thanks for supporting us here at Bread & With It and I’ll see you next time!

- 3 cups cooked spinach
- 1 cup grated cheese
- 2 tablespoons vinegar
- 12 eggs
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Grease, spray, or butter a 2 1/2 inch one dozen muffin pan or two 2 1/2 inch half dozen muffin pans and set aside.
- Drain and chop spinach. Add spinach, cheese, and vinegar to a large bowl. Toss mixture lightly with a fork to mix. Press mixture into the bottom of 12 molds. Break and egg in the center of each. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
- Place molds in a shallow pan of warm water. Bake until the egg whites are set, approximately 10-12 minutes.