Have you found a really wonderful cake recipe that makes your taste buds sing? Now you can turn your cake recipe into a cupcake recipe whenever you want to, with one simple trick! I’m not going to drag this out and make you wait for it. The trick to adjusting the cooking times for cupcakes is to just fill your cupcake liners half-full and reducing the recipe time by one-half. Yes, it’s that easy!
I discovered how to alter the cooking times for cupcakes in one of my cookbooks, and I’m incredibly excited about it now. This opens up so many opportunities now! Basically I can make any of my favorite cake batters and share them at birthday parties, events, or social gatherings! It’s wonderful. I can only imagine that most of my food allergy friends will really enjoy this tip too. It must be hard enough finding delicious cake recipes that are gluten-free, dairy free, egg free or all the above (like my sister), but now you can just use your tried and true recipe in cupcake size!
One-bowl chocolate cake is the recipe I used for the cake and cupcakes in the pictures above and what I used during the “cooking times for cupcakes” test. Did you notice the little “his” and “hers” piped chocolate on the cupcakes? They ended up becoming a great Valentine’s Day design. A friend asked me to make 300 of these guys for a large Couples Night event she was catering. These little guys were a hit, and we even got a date out of it too!
We petitioned Grandma to watch the kids, dressed up (which rarely happens anymore), and excitedly headed out the door. There was entertainment in the form of videos, a live newlywed game, and door prizes. A photographer was on site to photograph the couples (eh hem… ours turned out awesome by the way). Now the desserts… oh the desserts were amazing! Beautiful layered blueberry parfaits in canning jars, divine mousses in chocolate cups, “his” and “hers” cupcakes, chocolate covered strawberries and so much more! What a great experience it was to be a part of it all.
After a lovely night out, Michael and I are realizing how much we needed that time together. Ever since the addition of our sweet little Winnie, it’s become difficult to sneak away together. I think we need to start making that more of a priority! I miss hanging out with my best friend. Just the two of us!
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Loved the guest towel cupcake; I am going to make them for all oosacsicns and for my bathrooms. I have seen so many other videos, but you are the best. Thank you so much.
Hi Laurel, this is a really handy trick. Thanks for sharing! Do you have any tips for adjusting baking times for different size cake pans (ie 9 inch to 6 inch, or 9 inch to 8 inch, etc)?
I haven’t seen anything yet, but I will keep an eye out!