
Good morning! It truly is a good morning. I am propped by pillows in my room, listening to the friendly sounds of neighborhood birds chirping away. I saw Micheal off to work, and sent my son off with the homeschool group this morning. The girls are still snuggled up inRead More →

Blueberry Coconut Pineapple Blender

I couldn’t come up with a creative name for this delicious blended drink. I tried. I even asked Michael to come up with one of his creative playful names… but his exact words were “I got nothing”. So here we are, stuck with the plain, yet accurately described title: BlueberryRead More →

peanut butter chocolate protein shake

For those of you following my recipe journal entries, yes I am still plugging away at weight loss. Michael and I are still committed to bring the weight down. It’s been 3 months since our New Year resolution and still not reaping any benefits. Uggg. It’s no wonder that peopleRead More →

hot apple cider

Michael’s famous hot apple cider! It is so good that I might have to use my most hated phrase of all time. Are you Ready? “You guys just don’t know!” Oh! I hate that phrase, but really… you guys just don’t know how amazing this cider is. This cider isRead More →

con panna

Free printable espresso home guide below! Oh coffee. How I love you so. I do enjoy a good cup of coffee; however an espresso is really where the love is at.  I’m pretty sure it was our love for coffee that my husband and I got married.  If for someRead More →

apple cider vinegar cocktails

These creative Apple Cider Vinegar Cocktails are becoming the new rage!  I have done some research and apparently drinking apple cider vinegar is shown to reduce the risk of diabetes, weight gain and heart disease; additionally it is a natural remedy for heartburn, promotes healthy skin, improves digestion and can evenRead More →