Hey guys! I hope you all had a safe and eventful holiday full of roasted pumpkin seeds and family time. This year for Halloween Michael and I decided to take the kids to a nearby neighborhood instead of our own. This particular neighborhood has developed a reputation for giving out full size candy bars to trick ‘r treating kids.
Locke was (by his request) Charlie Brown in costume from the movie “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown“. His costume entailed a white sheet with a bunch of holes cut into it and a rock. It doesn’t get much easier than that and it made him happy. Win, win. Winnie sported an adorable pink bunny costume made by your’s truly. In the end it looked like the pink bunny pajamas from “A Christmas Story
“. Everyone that saw her in costume could not help but say… “awwwww” and follow up with giggles. The arms of the bunny suit had flaps that flipped over her hands to keep them warm… and it just made her look like she had little stubby bunny hands. She’d hold out her little stubby hands for you to pick her up while blabbering baby speak questions and… it’s was pathetically cute.
Every year that I have been blessed to be a mother, I have made costumes for my kids on Halloween. Some years were not always as spectacular as others for various reasons. Over the years I have found that I typically put a little more work into one kids costume more so than the other’s. Not that the other kid didn’t have an awesome costume but I tend to switch back and fourth between dedicating more energy to one. That being said, this was Emma’s year to shine.
It started off with an idea, of course. Emma said she wanted to be a doll. After some quick online idea searching (thank you Google) I immediately had a vision. We headed to a nearby thrift store and gathered everything we needed for her costume: a white button up shirt, charcoal colored vest and skirt with a purple netting we added underneath for added lift. We even made a special stop to Craft Warehouse for a mini hat for her head. The best part of it all, I think, was her make-up. It not only turned out amazing, if I may say so myself, but we had a lot of fun doing it too. You can tell from the picture above that she was really getting into the fun of dress up and playing the part. I only wish we had more time to fashion strings to really make her look like a marionette!
After all of this costume making and watching Emma bounce around in character, I’m wondering if she would like to get into a drama club. It might be worth looking into!

- pumpkin seeds
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Thoroughly wash pumpkin seeds then spread evenly on a cookie sheet.
- Bake for 5-10 minutes until pieces are golden brown, turning once. Check frequently to make sure they do not start to burn.