Oh yes, it happened. The Kit Kat Cake with m&m’s made its way to my kitchen. I felt terrible making it. All that candy… These cakes started on Pinterest, and recently I’ve seen them in local grocery stores. It wouldn’t have been my first pick just because I really don’t like my kids eating… all that candy, but I’ll admit that it made a pretty cool presentation. The kids were very impressed!
I also made the cake from scratch, but all that candy probably canceled out all of my hard work! Can you tell I’m not very excited about all the candy? I guess it’s a sure sign that I’ve grown up. After a few years of being a parent and a few dollars in dental visits you learn to despise candy. I made an exception for one very special 12-year-old girl who has my heart. It was her birthday and she told me she MUST have one of these cakes or she will dieā¦ sigh. I was weak.
The one she was referring to was at our local grocery store. I couldn’t justify buying one, so I told her I would make her one. She was more excited about getting a homemade Kit Kat cake, because she has begun to taste the difference of homemade over the years. So… I started with my one bowl chocolate cake recipe.
I had a very busy day full of art classes the day of her party, and I knew that any other recipe would have just been to time consuming to finish. My one bowl chocolate cake recipe is easy and delicious, the perfect combination! I frosted the top and sides with a butter frosting and began to stack Kit Kats! Before handling the Kit Kats, I put them in the freezer so they wouldn’t melt as I handled them. The frosting on the sides helps keep the Kit Kats in place while placing them. I let Emma pick out a ribbon, we trimmed it to size and used a small amount of clear masking tape to hold it in place.
Then… the m&m’s. We used about one-and-a-half large bags of m&m’s. I tried to get away with just one, but the frosting on the top of the cake was showing through, so I had to add about one-half a bag. I have to admit, I was pretty impressed when the cake was done. It looked pretty cool. For the record though… I served very small pieces of cake. Each slice was about two Kit Kat’s wide. I couldn’t justify any more than that… and the girls honestly couldn’t eat anymore than that. It’s rich!
Well, hopefully I didn’t detour you away from making a Kit Kat cake! If my anti-candy tone was too strong, I am sorry. If you are still planning on making a Kit Kat cake, then I hope these recipes help you get started! Here’s to a great week!

- 12 regular 4 piece packages of Kit Kat's
- 2 large bags m&m's
- 1 recipe one bowl chocolate cake
- 1 recipe butter frosting (Coming Soon)
- thick ribbon
- masking tape
- Place one layer of chocolate cake on your desired serving tray. Ice top of the first layer with a portion of the butter frosting. Place second layer of chocolate cake on top. Ice the top and sides of cake.
- Break apart Kit Kats into singles. Line cake with Kit Kat pieces one at a time. Wrap cake with thick ribbon. Secure with clear masking tape.
- Pour a thin layer of m&m's onto top of cake just to cover frosting.
- Freeze the candy before decorating so that it won't melt while you are handling it.

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