pie crust recipe

It’s almost Pi Day guys! Pi Day is one of the most exciting events at our house. Thanks to Pi, we get to enjoy the benefits of math through circles and more importantly… food in the shape of circles (aka pie). As a home-school family you need to know that weRead More →

pumpkin pie

Store bought is a thing of the past! This was my first time making a pumpkin pie from scratch and wow. Just wow. Pumpkin pies look rather ordinary and bland but once you take the first bite of a pie made from a freshly cooked pumpkin. Oh my. Throughout myRead More →

apple dumpling

Hey guys! This is my first attempt at apple dumplings. We can thank The Captain’s Lady for that! I’ve never heard of apple dumplings before. I had to do some research to get more detail about how they are made. They look like pastry baseballs, but they taste like aRead More →

lemon pie

I have definitely earned this lemon pie! I put a lot of work into this one because this journal entry from The Captain’s Lady is so touching I had to get the recipe just right! This is after-all… the Captain’s favorite. The recipe, originating from the 1800’s, is fairly vagueRead More →