cucumber cups

Would you look at these beautiful cucumber cups? They are filled with two different types of humus, roasted garlic and beat. Beat humus is quite delicious actually. It’s sweet! These cucumber cups are quick, easy and healthy. The make a gorgeous presentation for your appetizer display. With these on displayRead More →

coconut rice stir fry

Hey guys! It’s Monday evening here. The baby just went to bed for the night and I gave the older kids permission to stay up a little while to play Minecraft. I’m parked on the couch with my laptop, feeling pretty good after a healthy dinner. I whipped up a tasty coconut riceRead More →

cranberry and walnut salad

Hello everyone! I hope all is well and you are enjoying delicious food like a crisp cranberry and walnut salad! I want to quickly let you guys know that if you have family recipes dating before 1950 send it to my email for a chance to be featured on Bread & WithRead More →

Stuffed Pepper Surprise

Hello everyone! I am enjoying this warm weather and very appreciative of box fans in multitudes! I have thought a lot about this time last year. I was 7 months pregnant with Winnie and miserable. We were having record highs and without an air conditioner I was dying. There seemedRead More →

roasted carrots with rosemary and garlic

These look delicious don’t they? This last weekend Michael’s son came over and we fired up the grill. Michael’s son is grown and out of the house, so when he is able to come over to visit we jump on the opportunity. Michael went to the grocery store and purchasedRead More →

slow cooker split pea soup

My day can get pretty hectic, especially since we are going to be starting homeschooling in the fall I anticipate having significantly less time to prepare dinner. In the beginning I’m sure there will be quite a bit of adjustments. My sister has been homeschooling for almost 8 years nowRead More →

apple cider vinegar cocktails

These creative Apple Cider Vinegar Cocktails are becoming the new rage!  I have done some research and apparently drinking apple cider vinegar is shown to reduce the risk of diabetes, weight gain and heart disease; additionally it is a natural remedy for heartburn, promotes healthy skin, improves digestion and can evenRead More →