banana chocolate chip bread

It’s time to get in shape and that means reducing my carbohydrate intake. My name is Laurel and I am a carb junkie. Yes, its true. It’s one of the main reasons why I’m overweight. So now that I’m going to the gym and reducing my calorie intake, it’s timeRead More →

banana and walnut cookies

Oh dairy free! Ever since the “lactose intolerant” diagnosis of my youth, I’m doing nothing to avoid dairy. You heard me. Nothing. How I love dairy and all things dairy. Mmmm… dairy. Call my love for it weird if you wish, I think you are missing out. These cookies though, areRead More →

gluten free banana pancakes

I’m back baby! Did you miss me? Not only am I back, but I’m diving into a New Year’s resolution like the rest of you! Michael and I vowed to drop some pounds, and add more physical activity to our daily lives. I know… so predictable right? Well too bad.Read More →