Starting a Blog

Monetize Bread & With It

Let’s start with some background:  I am a stay at home mom.  Like many moms, I want to be there for my kids full-time but I also want to have my thing that I “do”.  It’s a world where many of us are torn in two.  After much consideration I finally decided I wanted to apply my degree (Fine Arts & Digital Technology) into starting a food blog and make money doing it!

Before starting a food blog, I did a lot of research and learned a lot from other bloggers about how to write articles, bring in revenue, increase Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and a lot of other information.   Since everyone was generous with me, I would like to give back by providing monthly detailed information about my blog progress, what I’m learning, traffic to the site and detailed income reports.

What I want to do differently that I haven’t seen so far, is show how long it takes to make money from the start of your blog.  Most blogs will show you income reports after they have established their blog but I’m curious about how long it takes and what to do to get to that point.  In addition I will give helpful tips and information about starting a food blog.  Hopefully this will bring inspiration to other stay at home parents and give me motivation to keep going.

Sign up below for my email updates to watch me learn how to monetize my blog while I share with you all about making money blogging. This is separate from the Bread & With It Newsletter. This is where I talk about the financial growth, traffic and tools I am using as I learn to grow Bread & With It. 

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