Ok, pardon my language but… HOT DAMN! Did do you see that! WOOT WOOT! Touch down dance, WOOT WOOT! This is a huge milestone for Bread & With It. It’s so exciting to reach this point. I mean seriously, how can you not leap with joy when finding out your blog just made it’s first $100? YES! Super excitement!
*Clears throat* Ok… Now lets get serious and talk numbers like true professionals. Shall we?
(Pageviews – 12,980)
Adsense – $40.98
Amazon – $52.82
BlogHer – $5.50
Sovrn/Lijit – $4.28
Total – $103.58
2015 March Income Report
Pageviews – 12,980
There were some nice pageviews last month. It’s nice to see those spikes in the analytics graph. I’m glad things are picking up and driving up, up and up some more.
Google Adsense – $40.98
I don’t know what ad was displayed that did so well, but there must have been some sales that took place. These spikes were outstanding. I’m looking forward to the future I say… The future.
Amazon Associates – $52.82
There was a great variety of Amazon sales this month. I sold everything from yarn to tablets! Whoever bought that Kindle Fire HD… thank you. Thank you very much. The kickback to me was much appreciated!
Remember, when your Amazon Associate links are set up on your blog, all someone needs to do is click on your link. Once they arrive at Amazon, they can purchase anything they feel like, and you will receive a percentage of the sale for advertising feels. In essence, your job is to get potential buyers there. Once there… it’s Amazon’s job to convince them to buy.
This is a great way to get paid for your blog in the beginning. That is… until you are able to come up with your own product and focus your heart, soul and blog on those sales.
BlogHer – $5.50
While… I’m not very excited about the monthly payout with BlogHer so far… I am extremely excited to get my first check from them in March. It was my first payout since last year, but I was grateful nonetheless. I think there was a slight increase from what their online projections state, which is nice. While it says I made $5.50, it’s only an estimate so when I receive my check, it can actually be more.
Sovrn/Lijit – $4.28
Well… it’s more than $2.00… so that’s good. It’s going up… but still nothing more than a cup of coffee a month. I’m thinking that I am wasting the space on my sidebar for their ad.
It was an extremely exciting month. Blogging is worth every bit of effort I’ve put into it! I’m looking forward to the months to come… seeing where this journey takes me. If you are kicking around the idea of starting your own blog check out my easy step by step guide and sign up for the Monetize Bread & With It Newsletter.
Sign up below for my email updates to watch me learn how to monetize my blog while I share with you all about making money blogging. This is separate from the Bread & With It Newsletter. This is where I will solely talk about the financial growth, traffic and tools used to grow Bread & With It.

This is awesome Laurel!!! I’m sorry I’ve been missing in action lately but with spring comes crazy adventures. With the garden, the cat, the son-to-be-here chicks, building a coop, maybe a dog, homeschooling and… oh that’s right… posting, I can’t even remember what day it is. 😀 But it’s all good. Congratulations on a great month!
You are a busy girl! Glad you are still plugging away!